
3 french guys with faking that they are working 3 french guys dabbing, yep
Here the team from left to right :

Corentin Pacaud Boehm (aka Tasse, aka Balkapokalypse, aka Noot Noot, aka TacosSavant…)

Corentin is a programmer who graduated at the IUT of Bordeaux and worked on small game jam and game projects. He’s the guy who made the player controller, the planning mode and the animation implementation for Palallel. Created most of the communication posts about the game and company (trailer, devblogs, …). He loves simplicity and writing stuff.

Contact : [email protected]
Portfolio :

Simon Colin (aka Tooser)

Simon is a programmer with a web background, he graduated in Epitech and worked on game jams and multiple small experiments like 3D level generation, Path/Ray Tracing, Random code-generated animations, … He’s the one who made the networking part of Palallel, all of the logic system, the menus and most of the underlying systems of the game. He loves difficulty and performant code.

Contact : [email protected]

Thomas Lourties (aka Tranchelune)

Thomas is a game and level designer, he graduated as digital designer at ICAN and worked on several experiences and game jam projects. He’s the mind behind the puzzles of Palallel. He worked on the levels and game design of the game. But he is also the visual and Sound designer(except the musics). He loves creating and testing stuff.

Contact : [email protected]
Portfolio :

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